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Leading collaborative research, development and innovation with national and international partners.

World-Class Research

Over the past decade, Water Stewardship Ireland has partnered with a range of industry bodies, national and international agencies and industry on collaborative R&D projects:

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Irish Research Council

Research Projects

Framework for Industrial Water 4.0

Developing international frameworks for Industrial Water 4.0 in collaboration with the DECHEMA research network based in Frankfurt and a group of Irish based multinationals including Nestle, Thermo Fischer and ABP Food Group.


Behavioural Change Tools to Promote Going Beyond Compliance

This research critically reviewed contextual, motivational and operational aspects that influence organisational environmental regulatory compliance behaviour and performance among regulated communities.


National Roadmap for Water Stewardship in Ireland

This report captures key lessons for Ireland in relation to water stewardship and outlines a national roadmap for Water Stewardship in industry and agriculture with a view towards establishing the country as a leader in the adoption of water stewardship best practice.


IRCSET Water Risk Project

Water Stewardship Ireland supported an IRCSET funded research project focussed on the development of risk assessment standards for major water processes at member sites including GSK.

Johnson & Johnson Innovation Partnership Project

Supported by Enterprise Ireland, this research project was focussed on the development integration tools, data lake infrastructure and advanced water visualisations to enhance efficiency of resource usage across the Visioncare site in Limerick.

True Cost of Water

This project focussed on identifying best practices and generic tools to calculate the true cost of water throughout the business water lifecycle. This will specifically address issues in developing greater awareness of the true cost of water at point of delivery for different industrial and agribusiness contexts.

Water Mapping

This project is focussed on developing a standardised approach to mapping the current state of water lifecycles across industry. This research was completed with support from WSI members in industries such as Pharma, MedTech, Food and Beverage and Manufacturing.

Water Management at WWTP

This Intertrade Ireland supported project focussed on the development of standards based remote monitoring solutions for waste water treatment plants across Ireland.